Thursday, March 5, 2009

Introducing...New Life photography!

New Life photography captures the joy, wonder and miracle of child birth. Cheryl comes to the hospital for the delivery of your child. She artfully captures those amazing first breaths of life and beautifully displays the birth of your baby in black and white photographs set to music for you to cherish forever. Call Cheryl Kelly Photography at 217-245-2006. To see more photographs, visit our website at

To view the New Life photography "CK CLIP," click on the play button below.

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Dog & Cat Days of Summer!

Dog & Cat Days of Summer!
We had quite the day and hope to do it again soon!

Cheryl & Loren during the Hop

Cheryl & Loren during the Hop

2009 Seniors - It's not too late to book your session...245-2006